Friday, August 28, 2009

Laurie's Wedding

So I thought I would possibly not be able to make it to Laurie's wedding being heavily pregnant and all but since Jahni came early, we got to go. It was a lot of fun and a beautiful ceremony. Since the wedding wasoutside in a tent, it had a really relaxed vibe and since I knew so many of the guests we had more fun. Sunil and I headed home early to be back with Jahni, but overall a smashing good party!

Laurie's Wedding Weekend

So it was practically like a reunion last weekend. My Wesleyan friends were all in town- Amra, Becky, Leanne and Jessica Stewart. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and I was glad they were able to meet Jahnavi. Amra came with Omar from NYC, Becky with Ben from San Francisco, Josh was unable to come but Leanne came from L.A. and Jess from Boston.

They say the baby briefly and thankfully since Pachi was here we were able to go out for a quick dinner at Cuba Libre, which everyone loved. It is a cool Cuban restaurant a few blocks from our house. Only down side was that it was raining. It was so great seeing everyone!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Spending Time with Mommy

Here's me updating the blog and then later sleeping with Jahni (don't worry we did this for the pic, she actuallysleeps in her cradle to prevent SIDS and us accidental rolling on her).

Sadly Doctor Sunil recently had a 2 month old infant patient come into the ER and later pass away because the parents accidentally rolled over onto the child and the child was barely breathing when admitted to the hospital. So so sad ;(

I'm Getting Bigger

Jahnavi received her social security card today and birth certificate also recently. Yay, she is officially a US citizen now!

I also took a few pictures of her while she prepares for her bath. I think she is learning to focus because she opens her eyes really big and stares a lot.

We have been trying to read to her because they say that babies can listen and understand you so hopefully she is learning from her daddy as he reads to her.

I also posted a picture of Jahnavi's first smile that we captured on camera.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Jessica Chan's Visit

Jessica Chan came to visit Jahnavi from NYC on Thursday and Friday of last week. She is a pediatric nurse practitioner so she had great advice for me about babies. Jahni had a bit of congestion so having her around made me feel better. Thank goodness Pachi was also here. She was such a big help with many feeds and also fed Sunil and me pretty well with her Indian cooking.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm Plotting Something. . .

Some Random Cuteness

My Day Bed Has Arrived!!

So finally I can say that our baby room is finished. It is perfect and just as I imagined, sans wall hanging for now. We are waiting on one painting and a shelf but otherwise the furniture is here. We finished the day bed last week and got a Costco mattress, so enjoy the debut.

Jahni is probably thinking, "Mom, why are you making me pose with this bed?"

Grandpa's Visit From California

Granpa Madhu visited this weekend from California and we had some of our first big adventures. We have been staying mostly in doors until this weekend where we went to Sears photo studio to get some glam shots with our little babe.

Grandpa's visit also meant a big treat of going out to eat- we went to Indian food for lunch on Saturday, happened to also be India's Independence Day and dinner at Maggiano's at the Cherry Hill Mall and finally brunch at a cute little cheese shop by our house. We also did some shopping and went to the park. A big treat for mom who has not significantly left the house (except for Laurie's shower) in three weeks.

Everywhere we went people were fascinated by our "little peanut" and commented "oh, how precious" and "how old is she?" everywhere we went. . . Grandma Geetha was also here so we had some nice pics and lots of help between grandparents on two sides.

I'm Growing, But Still Cute

Here are some more recent pics of Jahni. She is still small but slowly outgrowing her preemie outfits. I am so shocked by how she is getting bigger in front of our eyes. I guess it's true when they say they grow up so fast and she is only 3 weeks old!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Upgrade: Me and my New Crib

Jahni's crib came today after much waiting. . . She was exclusively in her cradle until now. She has new digs in her new room. Exciting!

New Pics of The Fam

Jahni is getting cuter or we are falling more in love with her. I can't tell. All I know is that her daddy goes around saying that she is the "prettiest baby girl in the world" and truly believes it every night and cannot stop kissing her (practically to the point where she is getting a rash) with his scruffy face ;)