Granpa Madhu visited this weekend from California and we had some of our first big adventures. We have been staying mostly in doors until this weekend where we went to Sears photo studio to get some glam shots with our little babe.
Grandpa's visit also meant a big treat of going out to eat- we went to Indian food for lunch on Saturday, happened to also be India's Independence Day and dinner at Maggiano's at the Cherry Hill Mall and finally brunch at a cute little cheese shop by our house. We also did some shopping and went to the park. A big treat for mom who has not significantly left the house (except for Laurie's shower) in three weeks.
Everywhere we went people were fascinated by our "little peanut" and commented "oh, how precious" and "how old is she?" everywhere we went. . . Grandma Geetha was also here so we had some nice pics and lots of help between grandparents on two sides.
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