Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Second Halloween- Princess Snow White


Our little majesty (because she is the ruler of our house) was Snow White for Halloween this year and boy was she adorable. Here is her at her friends Halloween party where she had a ton of fun. Her friends Teddy and Suri were Woddy from Toy Story and a rock star respectively. We also went trick or treating down Walnut Street and the retailers who were giving out candy. Jahni had so much fun picking the candy and putting it in her jack-o-lantern basket.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Belated Birthday Dinner

So Laurie turned 30 so she got some friends together for our joint birthday. We went to Cantina Los Caballitos in South Philly and I really had a great time. The food was good and adult company is always such a treat. Happy birthday to us!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm updating backwards, so check out the previous pages of posts...

Friday, October 22, 2010

My Birthday San Francisco Style

We went to San Francisco for my birthday, which started off with flowers and a great gift from Sunil, a venture to Napa for a couple wineries and great lunch and then dinner with friends. So much fun! and of course this was only our second child free few day trip, so it was extra special because I really tried to savor every minute.

Wine Tasting and More Birthday Fun

We went to Napa for the day on my birthday and it was so much fun. There is also a pic of Veena's mini garage- the things people put up with to live in great cities amazes me. The first pic is Sunil with his friend Ricky at dinner at Dosa in San Francisco (memorable for down right awful service).

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Gap Baby

We just found out about this Gap baby contest where the kids have to wear Gap clothes and people vote on the cutest. What do you think? Do you think she could be a Gap baby?

--- Jahnavi is modeling Gap skinny jeans in dark wash with a Gap nautical sweater ---

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tub Time

Jahni loves the water, so sometimes she takes a bubble bath with Mommy. Nothing compares to swim class with the little guppie though, she crys when we have to get out of the water she loves it so much.

Her Royal Cuteness

I wanted to take this pic for the Gap ad, but I think the sweater overpowers the jeans. Cute nonetheless.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dara's Parents

Dara's parents came to visit and brought Jahni her first chocolate lollipop among other nice gifts. As you can tell from the pic, Jahni loved it- a little to much. We also had a tasty dinner at Positano Coast, an Italian restaurant with atmosphere in Old City.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Kid

As a little girl I was obsessed with the Cabbage Patch kids. This Sunday after swim class, Jahni and I ended up at Johnson Farm to meet up with Laurie and Ted. We had delicious apple cider donuts and nachos in between picking gourds and mini pumpkins. It was packed with kids and was a really nice, fun fall day. This is what I LOVE about the east coast- Fall. It is definitely my favorite season and it also contains my favorite holiday. Thanksgiving! Mmmm... I can taste the pumpkin pie, apple cider, stuffing, cornbread . . . . . . the list goes on.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Delinquent Divya

Dear fans and followers:

I have been super delinquent about updating the blog. Please forgive me. I hope you will scroll through the next several pages for an update on the last couple months with the Gupta family. Janhi is bigger than ever (as you would expect of growing child), babbling in her own language and sometimes shouting, learning how to shake her head no to get her way, and truly starting to develop a personality. It i fascinating to watch as she grows out of being a baby and become a toddler, who can now walk (as of approximately Sept 1), eat the food we eat (even the spicy stuff) and get into everything we right now how she wants to get to my computer as I am updating this blog. Enjoy!
